Amercias next top model season 22Americas Next Top Model,my favorite "Reality" TV show launched their 22nd season this week :D It's quite possible that I may be the last ANTM fan left in the world. I console myself by declaring that everyone has a guilty TV treasure of their own. Mine just happens to be a house full of beautiful people fighting over who is the most puurdy. This last year I binge watched through all 21 seasons. And through this research I've gathered up ANTM's BEST PHOTO SHOOTS OF ALL TIME. The Helmet Shoot! This modern, almost ode to Daft Punk, image is the photo that won it all for model, Yoanna in the series' second season. They were in Italy which must have been the inspiration for helmeting her as everyone mopeds themselves around there. The stylists randomly gave Yoanna this helmet and history was made! Her winning photo graced the cover of Vogue and it's still one of my favorites. I recreated the photo because sometimes I like to pretend I'm a model. Just the other night I had a dream I walked in a Marc Jacob's show, I was late and didn't get my chance but the dress I wore was insane! This was one of ANTM's most successful cross dressing shoots. They bring in professional Drag Queens and style the model contestants up to look like men. In the photo above, the bombshell, Natasha (who is yes, a Russian mail order bride living in America. Don't judge! Her husband is hella cute) rocks this look. Grabbing her crotch, rolling up one pant leg, finding a toothpick and creating her own grill from a gum wrapper, this woman's dedication surpasses them all. Fun fact Natasha didn't win but came in second place to ANTM's only Latina winner, Jazlene Gonzales. Natasha is my favorite of all the contestants so far. See more photos of her by clicking the button below! Now we gaze upon a steamy eye makeup shoot where the models could only expose the top half of their face. It's of course inspired from selfies Tyra took on her vacation in Jamaica, as most of the episodes consist of Tyra Banks (The creator and head judge) talking about herself.. I love the contortion and symmetry of this one. It's like she's a blonde siamese demon emerging from the goop. Few other models even came close to matching her grace here. The Sheep Shoot!! Meet Alexandra, the plus sized model from cycle 14 lusting in the grass blades. Tyra called this one of the best photos of ANTM history. The top 6 flew to New Zealand, had to wear couture black gowns, outshine the stunning background, and find a creative way to incorporate a lil sheep friend. She gets good and cuddly with her fluffy male sheep model in a feat of editorial excellence. Alexandra doesn't care that he probably smells awful, she's going for it and this determination won her the Title of America's Next Top Model. The only plus sized thus far. The Bald Shoot! I love bald caps especially on models that are just starting out. It takes true confidence to model bald when you are used to hiding behind your hair or relying on your locks to enhance your beauty. Many models struggled, but here we have April, one of the few Asian American models from the show and she makes it look easy. They actually used this shoot as motivation to shave one of their models bald during their makeover episode. We wanna be bald too! This is my 18th birthday party in my parent's backyard. #BaldThemedBirthday What fiiiine models we make. I'm so mad because I have this epic photo of all of us where I photoshopped our heads to look legitimately bald but I can't find it.. When I do find it, you'll know. The Shadow Shoot! In this shoot Alex was photographed by Tyra Banks herself during the 14th season when the models went to New Zealand. Although this shadow pattern may resemble an outdated tribal print from a forever 21 skirt, back in 2010 this was incredibly artsy in an elegant aztec way. I just adore the color of the sky here. A polluty beauty. The Moroccan Desert Shoot One of my favorite plus sized contestants of the series, Kasia pouts intensely on top a camel wrapped in beautiful vivid hues. Of course I'm always rooting for the plus sized women to win because, DUH! But the one time a plus won she was seriously just a bigger barbie with a perfect face. Kasia however, has edge! They ventured out into the Marrakech desert and this styling is so on key, it makes me want to sing! The judges noted that she struggled during this shoot despite the wonderful finished product. I don't remember this episode but apparently she didn't fit into any of the garments at the "Go-See's" (the day they meet all their potential employers) and this hurt her confidence. Kudos to her for posing through the pain. Leopard Shoot Who doesn't want to pose with a sweet baby animal? This is one of my favorite shots of the entire series. Like, wow! Whats-Her-Face was seriously so charismatic that the judges considered it a flaw. "Don't just vote for her because you like her" I'm sure she's wildly successful now. Her personality didn't outshine her modeling finness in this shot. She commands her cub baby and clenches her jaw while somehow balancing and modeling from her fro to her fingertips. Excellence! Underwater Shoot Anyone that complains that they are too white or lacks the confidence to embrace their natural porcelain-ness, this photo is for you! Just LOOK AT HER! She's literally ceramic. One of my favorite winners, (and I've only agreed with Ann and Nicole winning) Nicole, from the short heighted girls cycle was an insane pose master. She had an issue with using the breathing equipment and this was initially supposed to be shot a bit lower, but F that! She rocks this shoot regardless. I love underwater shoots and this inspired me to film my 60's psychedelic themed line "Alien Angelica" In an apartment's pool. Watch my badass model mermaids! Angel Angelica Fall 2013 shot in San Francisco's Lake Merced Meet Don!!! Not as hot as Natasha but sweet jesus do I love when dark skinned men have light eyes. ^_^ (Spoiler alter you'll find plenty of those in season 22) The Vegas Wedding Shoot
America's next top model revolutionized itself in season 20 with the addition of male models. This was such a successful concept (with all the extra drama sexual tension adds) that ANTM has continued bringing them in. This shoot explored the different types of couples that exist today and they recreated everything from Shot Gun Weddings to Amish sister wives. Here you see Cory, the lone gay model of the season playing a disappointed father white Chris and Don (two straight models) share a tender and touching moment. The producers love to push the envelope and Don, a successful rap artist or Dj, I don't remember, is not bothered by femininity one bit. This is the type of role model I love seeing on the show. So check out Season 22 I literally just saw the first episode before posting this and my goodness is it nuts!
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