And it belongs to the multitalented, Micka Foster of New Albany, Mississippi.The weathered, painted wood, tin walls , and rustic sink and lamp make the bathroom feel uniquely antique. Micka is an artist specializing in lamp and fixture design under the label FosterLuminocity. She also started a company called Art of Dixie, they sell everything from all-natural lip balm, to sandals to wall art. I would definitely check them out if your looking for authentic Southern art to spice up your home, office or store. Their gallery and shop is located just a few hours from Nashville, Tennessee and would be a great stop if you want a dose of authentic southern culture. If not, their website is just a click away!
We decided to celebrate our new year in Lousiana this year, in New Orlean's world-famous Franch Quarter. I met this sparkly new friend in a bar on Bourbon St, and I had to stop her. What a purse! She bought this stunning baby blue beauty in a Casino, and yes she looks like a compete boss! She was by far the best dressed out of an array of women and men from all over the world. Not only does the design mix skulls with large gems and rhinestones, but the clutch's rings make the perfect glamourous defence weapon on the unpredictable streets of New orleans. Kudos Girl! This is where we met. That's the Mississippi River!
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April 2020