The two sides of the illegal, counterfeit bag industry. There are 5.2 legal immigrants living in Italy. And they aren't aloud to work even if they have paperwork. So they resort to selling counterfeit purses, sunglasses and watches to tourists in order to survive and save up. On the other hand, selling and buying these fakes cheapens the value of the real thing. Italy is home to the 5th largest counterfeit shopping district int he world, Rome. With New York it in 1st place. best dressed localsHim: Turquois hair, matching patterned shirt, low crotch flooding black pants and Nikes. The Girls: All have white sneaks, dark, skin tight leggings with creamy and comfortable sweater tops. New Italy meets class italy the edgy young ladies to the left and the classic couple reppin neutral on the right. My first Red Carpet at the 71st biennale di venezia Who do you think is the best dressed? Lusia Ranie in the princess purple Emma Stone in class act black Enzo Dialo with bowties and blue hair Ana Mouglais in the gold motif Charollete Gainsburg in combat leather
A wedding at the beautiful Belvedere Palace in Vienna Just look at that amazing umbrella! Reminds me of Penguin., the famous Batman villain. Incredible view of the grounds. Why look, I found a vintage art rendering of Penguin with a wonderfully colored umbrella. The resemblance is uncanny. Terrifyingly so... Here's the best dressed in Austria chillin' outside of a sausage stand. These cuties kill me. Europeans definitely dress sporty and simple. And lastly, I leave you with proof that the Austrians are obsessed with Lederhosen! These were billboards and storefronts in Salzburg. I wish the stores were open but apparently Europe is so Christian that nothing, I mean NOTHING is open on Sundays. I'm sure they're good and expensive tho. This store looked proper epic. Tune in next week when we go to Venice!
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April 2020